A sneaky lil guy, Rico the Rat is two-faced, back-stabbing, loser who would sell his own mother into slavery for a buck. Other than that, he`s a nice guy. Rico is from the old country. He is related to and baptized by Don Palermo and was sent over because of a favor granted his father, Guiseppes brother, Don Vincenzo di Palermo. Since every one in Scicily wanted him dead, Don Guisseppe agreed to take him in and protect him. Unfortunately he is up to his old ways. He has snitched for money, given up old family restaurant recipes for a price, and even set up a business associate for some Cuban cigars. Fortunately for Rico, he`s family and still alive. How long? Probably for as long as Don Guiseppe is alive, after that, I`d give him about a week to live, max.