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The MiJOS are a tightly knit group of little Latino kids growing up in a Latino Barrio.
They are like any other kids in any big
urban city.
They have a lot of fun hanging out at their
favorite spot, MiJOPARK. Won`t you come
get to know us and hang out?

Charlie - Mijos 
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Baby Charlie is also called Chorriyo.  He is called that because he poops his diapers a lot.  Charlie is a neglected kid that hangs at the park.  No one know where he lives or who is supposed to be watching him.

Chica - Mijos 
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Chica is the twin sister of Chico.  She is a little Puerto Rican girl.  Chica loves to dance and have fun.  She always tries to get the MiJO boys to dance with her...its tuff.  Chica idoliases Jennifer Lopez and wants to be just like her  someday.  She has the cutest little Newyorican accent.  She's never down and is always suggesting exciting things to do...at least she thinks they are exciting anyways.

Chico - Mijos 
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Little Chico is the twin brother of Chica.  So he too is Puerto Rican.  Chico and Chica are always together.  Chico is an in-your-face little boy who loves to have fun and talk smack.  His idol is Felix Trinidad.  Chico wants to grow up and be a clothing designer and make a lot of money.  For now he is content in hustling the MiJOS out of their lunch money.  Chico and Bubba get into it now and then.  Chico is very, very, witty.

Mijos Complete set - Mijos 
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Enrique - Mijos 
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Enrique (known as ears) is a little Cuban American.  His family moved to Oakland California from Miami Florida.  Little Enrique is a good listener and a very intelligent boy.  His goal is to someday be a teacher.  He helps the MiJOS with their homework and stuff.

Hector - Mijos 
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Hector is also know as Hopper.  He builds champion model hopping Lowrider cars.  Hector is cool.  He hangs out with Bennie all the time, and the two talk about Lowriders, lowrider bikes and car model building.

Mamon - Mijos 
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Marcos is called mammon by the other MiJOS.  A mamon is someone that sucks his thumbs a lot.  When he does speak he stutters...and no one knows what he is saying.  He is a scraggly looking kid and doesn't say much.  No one really knows that much about him.  Mamon just shows up, hangs out then disappears.  Heis a very weird dude with some very deep issues.

Pepe - Mijos 
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Pepe is also called Pancho Pedo because he farts a lot.  Pancho is best friends with Manuel.  I wonder why.  No one else would hang out with these two disgusting MiJOS.  The girls don't like them around and they know it.  So they come around anyways.  Farting is Perrodo's claim to fame, and is really the only thing he does well.

Spike - Mijos 
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Named after his country El Salvador where his family is from, Salvador is also know as Sal.  He is an awesome skateboarder.  Spike canmot walk away from any kind of dare from the other MiJOS.  He is always looking for something crazy to do.  He has broken almost every bone in his body.

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